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Gyöngyös, Унгария


Gate to Mátra Mountains

Gate to Mátra Mountains

and home of great wines

and home of great wines

The city is especially famous for its wine. Lots of tourists visit Gyöngyös because of its recently renovated historical inner city and the easily accessible ski and tourist resorts of the Mátra Mountains. If your destination is the northern part of the country, you really should visit this city, at least to taste its wine, the colour of sapphire, or to enjoy the beautiful views of the Mátra Mountains.

Gyöngyös, Унгария

By the end of the 11th century a prospering economical life was beginning here although the settlement was already 200 years old. According to the recordings of Anonymus, the Hungarians arrived here headed by the two leaders, Ed and Edumér. They are thought to be the ancestors of the Aba dynasty, who used Mátraalja, granted by Árpád, as their residence. After the ravages of the Tartar Invasion, the area became the property of the Csobánka family, who built the castle on Várbérc, not far from Mátrafüred, but unfortunately only its ruins survive.

The settlement was granted city rights in 1334 by Charles I mostly because of the north-eastern wine industry. The Franciscans settled down in the city in the 15th century, but later they found themselves in a difficult situation. This was caused by the decree of Joseph II, the Austrian monarch, regarding the possessions of the Church. However, Károly Eszterházy, the Bishop of Eger, saved them by giving them the commission to take care of the physical and mental health of the population.

Gyöngyös, Унгария

The Franciscan Church and monastery (Ferences templom és kolostor)

The building complex is located on the eastern part of Barátok Square. Here can be found the only practically intact medieval Franciscan library in Hungary, which already had a significant written collection 500 years ago.

János Bottyán (or Bottyán Vak ‘Blind’), the most famous general of the independence war against the Austrians, who died of plague, is buried in the Franciscan Church.

Gyöngyös, Унгария

The Great Church or St. Bartholomew Church

The Great Church (Nagytemplom), also called St Bartholomew Church (Szent Bertalan-templom), was built around 1350 in the place of a previous temple. It was reconstructed during the 15th century, when it became a Gothic hall church. On its southern side a memorial bell reminds us to the great fire of 1917, which also damaged the church. The image of the city was completely transformed by the fire. The reconstruction works were really successful, making the inner city something to be proud of.

Gyöngyös, Унгария

Rákóczi House (Rákóczi-ház)

During Rákóczi’s War of Independence, the prince had peace talks with the ambassador of the Austrian monarch in this house.

Almássy Mansion (Almássy-kúria)

During the Napoleonic wars there were three occasions that the Hungarian Crown was kept here, in the house of the Crown guard.

The Orthodox Church (Ortodox templom)

During the era of the Turkish occupation, Orthodox people settled down here, including Greek, Macedonian, Armenian and merchants of other nationalities. The church does not function any more.

Особености, характеристики


Малкия град, градче, паланка


Европа (Континент)  >  Унгария (Страна)  >  Северна Унгария (Туристическа област)  >  Хевеш медйе (Окръг, област)  >  Mátra Mountains (Географска област)

GPS координати: Ширина 47°46'30", Дължина 19°55'41" (N47 46.5 - E19 55.68)

Gyöngyös - Фотогалерия (32 снимки)

Downtown, main square (32 снимки)
The main square with the Kékes Restaurant on the left, and the St. Bartholomew's Church on the right - Gyöngyös, Унгария The double towers of the St. Bartholomew's Church or Great Church - Gyöngyös, Унгария The corner tower or dome of the so-called Francis II Rákóczi's House - Gyöngyös, Унгария The Tiramisu Café on the ground floor of the former Hotel Mátra, next to it there's a fountain with a grapevine sculpture - Gyöngyös, Унгария

Можете също така да се интересуват от (Свързани страници):

Дестинации в пътеводителя:
Gyöngyös (32 снимки) Mátra Mountains (288 снимки) Хевеш медйе (781 снимки + 10 панорамни изображения) Северна Унгария (2 817 снимки + 17 панорамни изображения) Унгария (27 287 снимки + 163 панорамни изображения)
и в допълнение:
(в рамките тук: Хевеш медйе и Mátra Mountains)

Mátra Mountains (288 снимки) Eger (239 снимки + 8 панорамни изображения) Egerszalók Mátraszentimre (68 снимки) Parádsasvár (6 снимки) Sirok (44 снимки) Szilvásvárad (139 снимки + 2 панорамни изображения) Mátraszentimre (68 снимки) Parádsasvár (6 снимки) Sirok (44 снимки) Hatvan (58 снимки) Bélapátfalva Recsk (17 снимки) Recsk (17 снимки) Kékestető (71 снимки) Mátrafüred (50 снимки) Bánkút (57 снимки) Kékestető (71 снимки) Mátrafüred (50 снимки)

Всеки панорамна снимка тук:
Gyöngyös ( снимки) Хевеш медйе (10 снимки) Северна Унгария (17 снимки) Унгария (163 снимки) Европа (165 снимки)

Всяка нормална снимка тук:
Gyöngyös (32 снимки) Mátra Mountains (288 снимки / 9 галерии) Хевеш медйе (781 снимки / 17 галерии) Северна Унгария (2 817 снимки / 58 галерии) Унгария (27 287 снимки / 462 галерии) Европа (30 494 снимки / 523 галерии)

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