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부다페스트, 헝가리


Hungary's pulsating heart

Hungary's pulsating heart

Budapest is one of Europe’s most established historical capitals, which is not only in the middle of the continent, but at the centre of historical events as well. Those visiting this city can still sense the atmosphere of the Monarchy in the streets and cafés, cruise on the Danube, or relax in a hot water spa. Weeks may be spent here, but do not take it for granted that every item in your guide book will be ticked.

부다페스트, 헝가리

The area has been populated for thousands of years. The ancient Celts were followed by the Romans, who constructed one of their fortresses of the eastern side of their empire here. Later, during the 9th century, they were driven away by the Hungarians flowing into the Karpathian Basin and who chose this place to be the seat of their principal tribe.

Throughout more than 1100 years of Hungary’s history there have been a number of events which have left their trace on the cityscape. As for external effects the hundred and fifty years of Turkish reign and the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy are good examples.

The two other cities of the Monarchy, Vienna and Prague, are similar to Budapest, but with one obvious difference, namely its various geographical features. Right on the banks of the Danube, dividing the city into Buda and Pest, there stand the hills of Buda. From these hills you can have a splendid view of the river and Pest.

It is not difficult for this wonderful city to tempt anyone. Its colourful faces and atmospheres make it mysterious, and when we think we have come to know it, we always have to realize that in fact we have not. You can wander around for several days and you will still find something new.

Entering an old café the well-known noise and the smell of coffee welcome you. Here you will find relaxed people reading newspapers, marble tables, mirrors, elegance and history everywhere. But these buildings have not only been cafés for the people of Budapest, but also the centres of cultural life, the meeting place of writers and poets. Moreover Café Pilvax was the original starting place of the revolution and freedom fight.

It is still easy to imagine cabs, men with top hats and elegant ladies on the streets since the scene has not changed much. Nearly every house, in front of which you may stop, is an historic building.

There are several spas located in the city. Its bathing culture can be traced back to the age of the Romans, and since then Budapest has become the world’s leading city for the number of spas.

There are some sights which cannot go unmentioned, for example the Chain Bridge which connects the two parts and is also the symbol of the city. The Houses of Parliament, which are the largest in Europe, the Castle of Buda, built in the 13th century, the residental buildings of which are still in use, should also be mentioned. The Vigadó of Pest, where several famous musicians have appeared, including Johann Strauss, Wagner and Brahms, should also be visited. of Pest, where several famous musicians have appeared including Johann Strauss, Wagner and Brahms

The list of sights may be longer of course, but it is not only the inner city which has surprises for us. You can go cycling in the romantic forests on the Buda hills, or horse- riding, or organize outings, or visit dripstone caves, or try hang-gliding. Furthermore local people sometimes go skiing on the slopes in winter.

So the multi-faceted city will not allow visitors to get bored. Year by year there are more than two million tourists who come here and leave with a vast number of experiences.

We suggest that you come here and see for yourself why this city is so easy to love.

특성, 특징


수도, 자본 도시


유럽 (대륙)  >  헝가리 (국가)  >  부다페스트와 그 주변 (관광 지역)  >  Pest megye (county) (주)  >  Buda Hills (Budai-hegység) (지리적 영역)

GPS 좌표: 위도 47°29'54", 경도 19°2'26" (N47 29.9 - E19 2.43)

부다페스트 - 사진 앨범, 이미지 갤러리 (8,468 사진 / 122 갤러리)

Rákospalota (10 사진)
The Town Hall ("Városháza") of Rákospalota, and a World War I monument in front of it, with a legendary turul bird on its top - 부다페스트, 헝가리 The Roman Catholic Parish Church, viewed from the Town Hall - 부다페스트, 헝가리 Our Lady of Hungary Roman Catholic Parish Church of Rákospalota ("rákospalotai Magyarok Nagyasszonya főplébániatemplom") - 부다페스트, 헝가리 The main entrance of the Our Lady of Hungary Parish Church ("Magyarok Nagyasszonya főplébániatemplom") of Rákospalota - 부다페스트, 헝가리

부다페스트 - 파노라마 이미지들 (21 사진)

××Árpád Bridge - 부다페스트, 헝가리
Árpád Bridge
××Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Sight to Pest and Margaret Bridge - 부다페스트, 헝가리
Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Sight to Pest and Margaret Bridge
××Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Small lake on the north side of the island - 부다페스트, 헝가리
Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Small lake on the north side of the island
××Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Stairway to the riverbanks of the Danube - 부다페스트, 헝가리
Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Stairway to the riverbanks of the Danube
××Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Under the Margaret Bridge - 부다페스트, 헝가리
Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Under the Margaret Bridge
××Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Shady mall - 부다페스트, 헝가리
Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Shady mall
××Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Sycamore trees near the hotels - 부다페스트, 헝가리
Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Sycamore trees near the hotels
××Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), The Centennial Memorial - 부다페스트, 헝가리
Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), The Centennial Memorial
××Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Fountain - 부다페스트, 헝가리
Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Fountain
××Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Ruins of the St. Margaret Abbey - 부다페스트, 헝가리
Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Ruins of the St. Margaret Abbey
××Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Meadow - 부다페스트, 헝가리
Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Meadow
××Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Tiny lake with a waterfall - 부다페스트, 헝가리
Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Tiny lake with a waterfall
××Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Tiny lake - 부다페스트, 헝가리
Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Tiny lake
××Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Meadow near the water tower - 부다페스트, 헝가리
Margaret Island (Margit-sziget), Meadow near the water tower
××Nyugati Square, Flyover (overpass) - 부다페스트, 헝가리
Nyugati Square, Flyover (overpass)
××Nyugati Square, Tram stop at the Nyugati Railway Station - 부다페스트, 헝가리
Nyugati Square, Tram stop at the Nyugati Railway Station
××Szent István körút, Vígszínház theatre - 부다페스트, 헝가리
Szent István körút, Vígszínház theatre
××Gellért Bath ("Gellért fürdő"), Thermal and medicinal spa - 부다페스트, 헝가리
Gellért Bath ("Gellért fürdő"), Thermal and medicinal spa
××Gellért Bath ("Gellért fürdő"), Thermal and medicinal spa - 부다페스트, 헝가리
Gellért Bath ("Gellért fürdő"), Thermal and medicinal spa
××Gellért Bath ("Gellért fürdő"), Thermal and medicinal spa - 부다페스트, 헝가리
Gellért Bath ("Gellért fürdő"), Thermal and medicinal spa
××Gellért Bath ("Gellért fürdő"), Thermal and medicinal spa - 부다페스트, 헝가리
Gellért Bath ("Gellért fürdő"), Thermal and medicinal spa
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