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(الأمثل للأجهزة مع الشاشة الصغيرة)
Sárospatak, هنغاريا


The Athens of Bodrog

The Athens of Bodrog

Sárospatak is the centre of the Zemplén area. With its unique historic and ecclesiastic past, together with vivid cultural life and events; it still deserves to be called the ‘Athens on the bank of River Bodrog’. Its castle holds famous cultural events. The Calvinist College, almost five hundred years old, is still functioning. These are some of the most beautiful sights of North East Hungary which are really worth a visit.

Sárospatak, هنغاريا

In the records of Anonymus we can read that the warrior Ketel built an earth castle here. The area was granted to him by Árpád, the person who led the Hungarians into the Carpathian-Basin. The settlement, serving as the centre of the royal forest estate, was the favourite place of the kings of the Árpád-dynasty as well.

The Castle of Sárospatak (Pataki vár, Rákóczi-vár)

Sárospatak, هنغاريا

In the Middle Ages the settlement, which was granted city privileges by Imre I in 1201, became an important stopping place on the commercial way leading to Poland. The castle was built by Imre I on a part of the bank of Bodrog, which was strategically a proper place from a defensive point of view. St Elizabeth, the daughter of Imre II, was born here in Sárospatak. She is the most famous and esteemed female saint of Hungary together with St Margaret.

The castle was owned by several aristocratic families. For example by the Dobó family, the most famous member of which was István Dobó, the hero of Eger. Bálint Balassi, the greatest figure of Hungarian literature of the 16th century, married Krisztina, István Dobó’s daughter The wedding was held in Sárospatak.

Sárospatak, هنغاريا

The heyday of the castle fell in the time when it was the property of the Rákóczi family. The splendour of that time is shown by the Gothic and Renaissance features of the castle. It became the property of the Rákóczi family as the dowry of Zsuzsanna Lórántffy in 1616. The most exquisite part of the garden, the Lórántffy loggia, was built soon afterwards.

The remarkable Sub-Rosa balcony room is a part of the exhibition of the Rákóczi castle. The room is famous for the fact that the preparatory discussions of the Wesselényi-plot took place under the rose (sub rosa) painted on the ceiling. Led by Ferenc Rákóczi II they were organizing the independence movement against the Habsburgs. This ceiling painting is the only intact piece of the Baroque wall paintings of the castle.

Sárospatak, هنغاريا

The battles of the Rákóczi's freedom fight left their marks on the city. The city was either under the control of the anti-Habsburg insurrectionists (kurucok) or their rivals, the pro-Habsburgs (labancok). The last kuruc parliament was held here in 1708.

The Calvinist College (Sárospataki Református Kollégium)

The Calvinist College, the most important Hungarian educational institution of that time, was established in 1531. Comenius, the Czech educator with modern mentality; taught here from 1650 for four years. There is a permanent exhibition to the memory of this great person.

Sárospatak, هنغاريا

The high-quality education and the representation of a moral scale of values lasted for centuries long, when the school was closed with the arrival of communism. After the fall of the socialist regime in 1990, the education could start again in the Calvinist grammar school. In 1991 the Calvinist Theological College could resume teaching as well.

The new townscape

Sárospatak, هنغاريا

Among the newly-built houses there are numerous examples for the work of Imre Makovecz, who is one of the greatest architects of our age. For instance: the Community Centre, the Árpád Vezér Grammar School or the blocks of flats on Hild Square. These buildings show that it is possible to design such stuctures which can blend with the sights and other places of interest of a city.

Sights in the vicinity

The marvellous Bodrog River and its backwaters are not the only places to see. But you should also visit the tarn of Megyer Mountain, which was formed on the site of a former millstone mine. You can visit Longi Wood or even start walking to the castle of Füzér. If you would like to relax in a hot-water spa, then the best choice is the thermal spa of the Végardó part of the city.

خصائص وميزات


بلدة، بلدة صغيرة


أوروبا (القارة)  >  هنغاريا (بلد)  >  شمال المجر (المنطقة السياحية)  >  Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megye (county) (مقاطعة)  >  Zemplén Mountains (المنطقة الجغرافية)

إحداثيات GPS: خط العرض 48°19'8"، خط الطول 21°33'58" (N48 19.13 - E21 33.97)

Sárospatak - معرض الصور (59 الصور)

Sárospatak - صور بانورامية (2 الصور)

××Castle Church - Sárospatak, هنغاريا
Castle Church
××Castle of Sárospatak or Rákóczi Castle - Sárospatak, هنغاريا
Castle of Sárospatak or Rákóczi Castle

قد تكون مهتمة ايضا في (صفحات ذات الصلة):

وجهات مهمة في دليل السفر:
Sárospatak (59 الصور + 2 صور بانورامية) Zemplén Mountains (270 الصور + 2 صور بانورامية) Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megye (county) (1,088 الصور + 7 صور بانورامية) شمال المجر (2,817 الصور + 17 صور بانورامية) هنغاريا (27,287 الصور + 163 صور بانورامية)
و أيضا:
(داخل هنا:Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megye وZemplén Mountains)

Aggteleki karszt (134 الصور) Zemplén Mountains (270 الصور + 2 صور بانورامية) Bükk National Park (387 الصور + 4 صور بانورامية) Aggtelek National Park (134 الصور) Miskolc (307 الصور + 3 صور بانورامية) Olaszliszka (13 الصور) Tolcsva (8 الصور) Füzér (46 الصور) Háromhuta (95 الصور) Jósvafő (46 الصور) Komlóska (26 الصور) Regéc Olaszliszka (13 الصور) Tolcsva (8 الصور) Füzér (46 الصور) Háromhuta (95 الصور) Komlóska (26 الصور) Regéc Sátoraljaújhely (23 الصور) Szerencs (168 الصور) Tokaj (209 الصور) Sátoraljaújhely (23 الصور) Lillafüred (137 الصور) Ómassa (54 الصور)

كل صورة بانورامية هنا:
Sárospatak (2 الصور) Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megye (county) (7 الصور) شمال المجر (17 الصور) هنغاريا (163 الصور) أوروبا (165 الصور)

كل الصور العادية هنا:
Sárospatak (59 الصور) Zemplén Mountains (270 الصور / 8 ألبوم الصور) Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megye (county) (1,088 الصور / 26 ألبوم الصور) شمال المجر (2,817 الصور / 58 ألبوم الصور) هنغاريا (27,287 الصور / 462 ألبوم الصور) أوروبا (30,494 الصور / 523 ألبوم الصور)

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مزيد من خيارات:
ألبوم الصور ألبوم الصور
Dobogókő, هنغارياSalgótarján, هنغارياباريس, فرنساروما, إيطاليا
أكثر من ذلك بكثير الصور:

دليل السفر لدينا يحتوي على:

العديد من الصور وصور بانورامية، مع الكثير من المعلومات والحقائق المثيرة للاهتمام.

  • 214 وجهات السفر
  • 165 صور بانورامية
  • 30,494 صور أخرى

جمع كبير من الصور المختارة:نوعية ممتازة، وارتفاع القرار، والألوان الطبيعية

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