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Versjon av dokumentet: PANADEA_LN_2010_001_EN

Ikrafttredelse: 01.06.2016

Anybody can view the pages of the Panadea website (owned by the "Service Provider": Neuronit Kft. / Neuronit L.L.C., headquarters: , tax number: 12898222-2-42, trade register number: 01-09-708885) without giving any information about himself. However, due to the characteristics of web services and similarly to many other websites when the User opens pages on the Panadea website it can automatically access certain information, for example about the User's browser version, etc. Moreover, certain services need registration, so the User has to provide some information to the Service Provider. This document contains information about how we store and use these data, and the terms of use as well. Please read the document carefully.

Before using any of our services we recommend to save this document onto your computer and/or print it.

I. Language of the Legal Notice

  • The language of the Legal Notice is the Hungarian.
  • For the convenience of the Users the Service Provider could translate the Legal Notice into other language(s), but independently of it the Hungarian Legal Notice applies to every User and everybody.
  • The Hungarian Legal Notice is that matters in the cases when there are contradictions between the Hungarian and other language versions of the document as well.

II. Notion definitions

II.1 Basic notions

  • Website: Web interface(s) on internet domain(s) that used by the Service Provider according to law, as well as the available contents on it (e.g.,
  • Ad (Commercial Advertisement): Generally, by the Hungarian law of the "Act XLVIII of 2008 on the Basic Requirements and Certain Restrictions of Commercial Advertising Activities" (2008/XLVIII/3.§/d): every advertisement, any other information that is not classified as advertising, any content placed on the web pages, PR article, or any classified ad that is in the database.
  • User: Natural person, legal person or unincorporated body who views, enters (by login), or makes use the website of the Service Provider in any other way. It is regardless of whether he/she/it makes a statement about it or not.
  • Client: A group of the Users, who - after a registration - allowed to advertise on Panadea pages or take advantage of other services. The Users who use free services are Clients as well.
  • Visitor: A User who doesn't advertise on Panadea pages (however, he may be registered to other free services, such as newsletter)

II.2 Other legal related notions

  • Personal Data: Every information that can be used to identify a certain user (for example name, e-mail address, phone number, … etc.)
  • Consent: The voluntary and explicit expression of the User's wish – based on correct information –, that he clearly agree to manage and process (fully or involving in certain transactions) personal data concerning him. On version of it is the contribution on a web interface.

II.3 Technical notions

  • Registration: The procedure by which the Visitor shares some of his personal data (at least an e-mail address) with the Service Provider. After the registration the Service Provider gives more and higher level access to the website (e.g. the User can create Ads, can get a newsletter about actualities, ... etc.). The registration may be cancelled or terminated any time.
  • Visitor Pages: That part of the Panadea website, which is available to everybody and doesn't need any registration.
  • Client Zone: As the part of the Panadea website these are pages specifically for the certain Client, usually for administrative purposes. These are created after the Registration and login is required to use them.
  • CAPTCHA verification: CAPTCHA is an abbreviation (acronym) of the English phrase "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart". The procedure is designed to try to distinguish between the human users and the computer programs. The process is a reverse Turing test, that was invented based on the idea of Alan Turing (1912-1954), the ill-fated English mathematician and scientist (so "reversed" because Turing investigated just the opposite: how could a machine response like a human). The test has several variants, our website uses intentionally distorted large colored words, these have to be read by the User and enter to the appropriate field. As a human it is relatively simple to solve, but for a current computer it is quite hard to do.
  • Panoramic Image (aka panorama, panoramic photo): It is a special photo or image, that depicts a location by a roll over around a point, often with a very high level of detail. By definition, these images are at least twice as wide as high (but some other definitions say, the aspect ratio has to be at least 3:1). In the most of the cases it is created by a special mounting more photos into one image. The interactive version of a panoramic image provides lifelike, virtually three-dimensional appearance of the location. You can turn around to the different directions and you can zoom on the details. The main thing of the 360 degrees (360°) panoramic image (or panorama) is that it allows a full look around in the horizontal directions (of course virtually) on the spot, while the so-called "spherical panorama" extends the free movement to the vertical directions as well.

III. Terms of Use

  • If you enter the Panadea website or you view its content in any way – also if you are not our registered user – with this implicit behavior You accept that is written here in this document.
  • If there's no any other contract between the User and the Service Provider, every condition and regulation on the Panadea pages is valid automatically in the original form. If you do not accept the conditions you are not allowed to view the contents of Panadea website.
  • Every User have to use the Panadea website on their own risk and responsibility.

III.1 Prohibited activities, among others:

  • To use, adapt or decrypt the content, programs or any parts of the %s website without a written authorization by the Service Provider.
  • To create user identifiers and/or passwords using an unfair way (e.g. automatically).
  • Using such an application that can be used to modify webpages fully or partially.

IV. Copyrights

  • On the Panadea pages the text and graphical/image contents (for example photos, panoramic images, graphics, maps, descriptions, briefings and other information content) that placed by the Service Provider are protected by copyright. Its use, copying or distribution – whole or in part – is allowed only after the prior written consent of the Service Provider and with accepting the Terms and Conditions.
  • The Panadea website is the Service Provider's intellectual property, its parts and contents must not be used without prior written authorization of the Service Provider, except the cases of free use written in the Hungarian Copyright Act (1999/LXXVI).
  • Every Client takes full responsibility to the Service Provider and guarantees that he is allowed to use every content published by him, such as names, titles, trademarks, copyrighted materials, trade names, logos, or other copyrighted texts.

V. Privacy Policy

The Service Provider tries to make every effort to ensure the high level security of the personal data that is provided by the Users.

V.1 Cookies ("HTTP-cookies")

  • Cookie: a specific and unique file (usually a text file) associated to the certain user. The website places it onto the hard disk of the User's computer using the web browser. It is designed to let certain information to remain accessible on the specified computer after restarting the web browser as well. It is not suitable to run any software, so viruses or trojans cannot placed onto the User's computer using just a cookie.
  • The use of cookies are usually automatically accepted by the browsers, but depending on the settings the User is able to even reject them. But in the latter case, the User probably cannot fully benefit the comfort of the services on the website.
  • Moreover, the web browsers allow to remove the already stored cookies, if it is needed.
  • The Panadea uses the cookies to store certain settings and some personal data provided by the User locally, on the User's computer (for example to make filling the data forms more convenient).

V.2 Collecting personal data

  • The Panadea collects only such personal data which is given by the User expressly and voluntarily.
  • Panadea gives accurate and clear information on every pages where personal data is required to use a service.
  • If you use Panadea you also accept that the Service Provider should store, register and process the collected personal data.

V.3 Storing and using the personal data

  • We can use the data provided by the Clients on their Client Pages to us for the following purposes:
    (a) to display the certain Ad
    (b) to fulfill the ordered services
    (c) to contact the Clients
    (d) implementation of possible claims
  • The data given by the Visitors to the Service Provider can be used to the following purposes:
    (a) to inquiry about or reserve accommodation
    (b) for sending newsletters or other notifications (these can be requested or terminated anytime)
    (c) to create better, higher level content that is closer to the needs of the Users

V.4 Disclusure of the personal data

  • Concerning handling the Personal Data the Service Provider observes the provisions of the Hungarian "Act LXIII of 1992 on protection of personal data and disclosure of data of public interest" and the "Act CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of electronic commerce services and information society services".
  • The Service Provider should issue the Personal Data of the Users due to legal obligations, but only in cases and only to a party that prescribed and defined by law. Among others, if the service Provider satisfied in good faith that the data is needed for one of the following cases:
    (a) because the relevant statutory provisions require this
    (b) legal proceedings related to the Service Provider or the Panadea website
    (c) protection of the rights of the Service Provider, its websites or any other property
  • Disregarding the summarized exceptions in the previous section, the Service Provider doesn't give, sell or let the data that is provided by the User and suitable for identification to a third party without the User's written authorization.

V.5 Links to other websites

  • This Legal Notice doesn't apply to the websites that can be reached from Panadea and that are on domains other than "". The Service Provider excludes his liability for the operation, privacy policy and content of these websites.
  • Concerning the other websites that can be reached by reference (link) from Panadea, it is recommended to iquire about their privacy policy at these sites.

V.6 Notifications that are sent by e-mail

  • At certain intervals the Service Provider could send e-mails to the registered Client, that contains further (for example technical) information related to the already ordered services.
  • The Visitors could request a newsletter from Panadea. The Visitor shares some of his personal data (e.g. his e-mail address) with the Service Provider, so this is the newsletter registration. It can be terminated directly on the website, or by following the instructions at the end of every newsletter.

V.7 Access to sensitive data and functions

  • Those pages of our website which handle sensitive data (these are typically the Client Zone pages) can be reached only after a password authentication. Access can be granted by a Registration process, which needs only a valid email address.
  • The Client Zone pages uses so-called SSL encryption, so any information that is enterered here will be transmitted over an encrypted channel. It makes more difficult for third parties to acquire these information. From all of this the User perceives only that the URLs of these pages start with "https://".
  • Our website doesn't store any password in any form on its servers. During the internet communication the web browser sends just a short text that is generated from the password by using a so-called "hash function". This "hash" text can be used to validate the entered password, but improper to decrypt the password.
  • Follows from the above it is not possible to restore forgotten password, in this case the authorized user has to enter new password during a certain process.
  • During certain operations (e.g. registration, login, send message) the User must enter a valid so-called CAPTCHA verification code, to protect the web page from the unauthorized use by the automatic attempts of malicious programs, "malwares" and "robots".

VI. Exclusion of liability of the Service Provider

VI.1 The Service Provider is not responsible for

  • Accidental damages caused by the website
  • Disruptive behavior of any other party
  • Accidental damages caused by the breaks in Panadea services
  • The links to other websites and the content of the linked pages

VII. Modifying the Legal Notice

  • The Service Provider is allowed to change the Legal Notice unilaterally, together with notifying the concerned Clients. The Service Provider publishes the changes on the Panadea website, 15 days before they come into force.
  • If the modified Legal Notice entries into force and the User visits the Panadea website, the User automatically accepts the new Legal Notice as well.
  • In the case when the Client doesn't accept the modified Legal Notice (that is also part of his Service Contract), the Client is allowed to terminate the Service Contract with a written extraordinary notice, in 15 days after the new Legal Notice comes into force.
  • The Service Provider makes backup of all earlier versions of Legal Notice, so retrieving previous information is always possible.

If you have comments on this document or you think real life doesn't meet the declarations fully, please inform us by e-mail (info). As far as possible we try to satisfy the demands and rectify the potential problems as soon as possible.

Enjoy browsing Panadea pages!

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