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Europa > Hungria > Balaton > Balaton Uplands National Park > Fotografias, galerias de fotos
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Balaton Uplands National Park (Balaton-felvidék), Hungria

Número de fotos normais dentro da área: 440 fotos (em 13 galerias de 8 lugares)

Clique nas imagens!

Badacsonytomaj - Galeria de fotos (4 fotos)

Szigliget - Galeria de fotos (25 fotos)

Tihany - Álbum de fotos, fotografias, galerias de imagens (106 fotos / 3 galerias)

Balatongyörök - Galeria de fotos (8 fotos)

Szentbékkálla - Galeria de fotos (10 fotos)

Tapolca - Galeria de fotos (37 fotos)

Downtown (37 fotos)
Lake Malom and the former watermill on its shore, and slightly further it is the steeple of the Roman Catholic church - Tapolca, Hungria Long shadows in the late afternoon in the main square - Tapolca, Hungria "Four Seasons", a group of bronze statues on stone pedestal in the park - Tapolca, Hungria The Roman Catholic Assumption Church and the bronze statue of St. Stephen I. of Hungary - Tapolca, Hungria

Hévíz - Álbum de fotos, fotografias, galerias de imagens (150 fotos / 2 galerias)

The town (33 fotos)
Roman Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit - Hévíz, Hungria  - Hévíz, Hungria Apartment houses - Hévíz, Hungria High street of Hévíz with the Holy Spirit Roman Catholic church on the hill - Hévíz, Hungria

Keszthely - Álbum de fotos, fotografias, galerias de imagens (100 fotos / 3 galerias)

Downtown (43 fotos)
Landscaped pedestrian mall (or street) - Keszthely, Hungria Balaton Theater and Congress Center - Keszthely, Hungria The gothic Downtown Parish Church, former Franciscan church of medieval origin in Keszhely (officially Our Lady of Hungary Parish, in Hungarian "Magyarok Nagyasszonya Plébániatemplom") - Keszthely, Hungria The memorial pavilion of the Festetics family (the Helikon memorial monument) - Keszthely, Hungria
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