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Europe (Continent) > Hungary (Country) > Lake Tisza (Tisza-tó) (Tourist region)
GPS coordinates: Latitude 47°38'22", Longitude 20°38'29" (N47 38.37 - E20 38.48)
Destinations, locations in the travel guide:
Poroszló (335 photos)
Lake Tisza (Tisza-tó) (457 photos)
Hungary (27,287 photos + 163 panoramic images)
and in addition:
(within here: Lake Tisza)
Abádszalók (77 photos)
Tiszafüred (45 photos)
Every panorama photo here:
Poroszló ( photos)
Hungary (163 photos)
Europe (165 photos)
Every regular photo here:
Poroszló (335 photos / 3 galleries)
Lake Tisza (Tisza-tó) (457 photos / 6 galleries)
Hungary (27,287 photos / 462 galleries)
Europe (30,494 photos / 523 galleries)
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