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Srednje Podunavlje (Közép-Dunántúl), Mađarska

There are several cities in this region which played an important role in Hungarian history. For example Székesfehérvár, Veszprém, Győr and Pápa, but this list is not complete of course, since there are plenty of cities where significant events took place and they still offer a great number of sights. Beside these beautiful cities, the popular bathing resort, Lake Velence is also located here, together with mountains like Bakony or Vértes, which are famous for their romantic woods and castles among other things.

Over a period of time, several settlements in the region from the Danube to the Bakony took advantage of the fact that the commercial roads, heading for the west, went through this area. Thus they could prosper more easily than other territories, farther out of the way.

Its cities can take pride in their intact inner cities, which are the favourite destination of tourists because of their Baroque buildings from the 18th century, winding streets, and intimate patios. Several universities can be found in these settlements, and they have a significant role in Hungarian cultural life. A great attraction is the number of famous festivals and cultural events which are held here.

The charming old cities are not the only sights here, but Lake Velence is also worth visiting as it can be easily reached from the direction of Budapest. Its water is shallower than that of Lake Balaton; it quickly warms up to be suitable for bathing and the beaches are equipped to similarly high standards. Sailing or surfing is possible, and no one will be short of activities.

It is also nice to spend some time in the neighbouring area as well, for instance in Velence Mountains, where you can find rocks several metres long. Some of them are famous for the fact that they are radio active.

Bakony is situated northward from Lake Balaton; it is characteristic of the region. The lovers of romantic places will surely be fond of its endless oak forests, lovely and gently sloping land, streams, castles and church ruins in the depths of the woods. These dark forests used to hide the famous outlaws of Bakony in the 19th century. They used to conceal themselves and their prey in caves in the woods.

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Europa (Kontinenta)  >  Mađarska (Zemlja)

GPS koordinate: Širina 47°15'44", Dužina 18°4'30" (N47 15.73 - E18 4.5)

Preporučena mjesta, turističke destinacije

Geografske regije:
Bakony Mountains  

Fejér megye (county) Komárom-Esztergom megye (county)  

Veliki gradovi:
Székesfehérvár Tatabánya Veszprém  

Mali gradovi, varoši:
Komárom Tata Ajka Sümeg Várpalota Zirc Martonvásár  

Općine, sela:
Lajoskomárom Csesznek Dég Eplény Nádasdladány Tés  

Gradske četvrti:

Vi svibanj također biti zainteresirani za (Povezane stranice):

Odredišta u turističkom vodiču:
Srednje Podunavlje (Közép-Dunántúl) (1 409 slike + 20 panoramske slike) Mađarska (27 287 slike + 163 panoramske slike)
I također:
(u ovdje: Mađarska)

Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megye (county) (1 088 slike + 7 panoramske slike) Hajdú-Bihar megye (county) (328 slike + 7 panoramske slike) Heves megye (county) (781 slike + 10 panoramske slike) Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok megye (county) (726 slike) Nógrád megye (county) (1 150 slike) Somogy megye (county) (971 slike + 15 panoramske slike) Veszprém megye (county) (983 slike + 16 panoramske slike) Zala megye (county) (354 slike + 12 panoramske slike) Blatno jezero (Balaton) (1 597 slike + 35 panoramske slike) Zapadna Mađarska (985 slike + 10 panoramske slike) Južno Zadunavlje (Dél-Dunántúl) (1 597 slike + 8 panoramske slike) Budimpešta i njegove okolice (Središnja Mađarska) (15 989 slike + 52 panoramske slike) Sjeverna Velika nizina (Észak-Alföld) (1 619 slike + 7 panoramske slike) Južna Velika nizina (Dél-Alföld) (817 slike + 14 panoramske slike) Tisa jezero (Tisza-tó) (457 slike) Sjeverna Mađarska (2 817 slike + 17 panoramske slike) Cserhát Mountains (892 slike)

Svaka panoramska fotografija ovdje:
Srednje Podunavlje (Közép-Dunántúl) (20 slike) Mađarska (163 slike) Europa (165 slike)

Svaka normalna slika ovdje:
Srednje Podunavlje (Közép-Dunántúl) (1 409 slike / 31 galerije) Mađarska (27 287 slike / 462 galerije) Europa (30 494 slike / 523 galerije)

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