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Coordenadas GPS: Latitude 47°57'4", Longitude 22°18'49" (N47 57.07 - E22 18.82)
Exhibited No. "MÁV P-305" standard gauge motor-powered draisine (light auxiliary rail vehicle) near the train station
Not so long ago this vehicle also had a windscreen, it now missing probably due to vandalism.
The motor-powered draisines (aka railway motor cars or so-called "speeders") started to spread in Hungary in the 1950s. Here their commonly used name was PVG or PKVG, that is the abbreviation of approx. "the roadmaster's light rail vehicle". The 250 cm³ engine came from Hungarian-made Pannónia motorbikes, this enabled the vehicle to reach the speed of 60 km/h (probably that's why they had windscreens). However only the half of this speed was permitted for them. These vehicles could carry a maximum of 4-5 persons. Because the railway cars were about half ton in weight, a special lifting device was also built in to be able to turn them on the rails. But independently of this, the vehicles were able to go backwards as well.
Destinos em o guia de viagem:
Mátészalka (85 fotos)
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye (county) (687 fotos)
Grande planície setentrional (Észak-Alföld) (1 619 fotos + 7 imagens panorâmicas)
Hungria (27 287 fotos + 163 imagens panorâmicas)
e adicionalmente:
(dentro aqui: Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye)
Dombrád (93 fotos)
Máriapócs (177 fotos)
Nagykálló (111 fotos)
Nyírbátor (183 fotos)
Nyíregyháza (38 fotos)
Cada foto panorama aqui:
Mátészalka ( fotos)
Grande planície setentrional (Észak-Alföld) (7 fotos)
Hungria (163 fotos)
Europa (165 fotos)
Cada fotos normais aqui:
Mátészalka (85 fotos / 2 galerias)
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye (county) (687 fotos / 14 galerias)
Grande planície setentrional (Észak-Alföld) (1 619 fotos / 26 galerias)
Hungria (27 287 fotos / 462 galerias)
Europa (30 494 fotos / 523 galerias)
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Neuronit Creative Studio - Mogyoród / Budapeste / Hungria